miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

"Era Vella" 9a for Chris!!

Photos: Boone Speed

The last week Chris did the first ascent of his last route bolted, ¨Era Vella¨9a in Margalef.Good work maquina!!
also he did the route when he was warming up! ;-)
yes, warming up is important!! hehe

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010


Photos Brett Lowell :-)

Motivation is coming back!

After almost one month without climbing I´m super psyched again!
The last weeks we have climbed in Margalef a lot, good weather, good routes and excellent people.. that is perfect!
We are very motivated now and we have trying very nice projects. I´m very happy because I have climbed some nice routes the last days like ¨La Perdonavidas¨ 8a on my second try and ¨Xiketeta¨ really technical and resistant 8b…
Here we go! motivation a muerte always! ...hehehe…